On-Site Logistics

We Optimize Your Shipments – Managing Your Freight From Your Facility

For over 20 years, Cornerstone has been serving clients from their own facilities, where the action happens. Our on-site personnel are literally immersed in daily operations, working directly with you at your site, elbow to elbow, planning multiple stop truckloads, verifying shipments and deliveries, answering questions for customer service representatives, and following through on customs documentation.  Being on site allows us the opportunity to quickly identify, react and resolve service or shipping delays.  It gives us an excellent opportunity to optimize your shipments and efficiencies as we are engaged directly with both your shipments and involved carriers.  All while capturing critical data to measure performance and cost analysis.  Despite the available ways to communicate today, nothing beats eye-to-eye and shoulder-to-shoulder and our on-site customers agree.

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